Game's server is currently down.


Helmet Heroes is a free to play MMORPG that can be played across all browsers. Team up with your friends, fight monsters, and gather new swords and equipment. Join the official Discord to make talk with fellow players, report bugs, or give your suggestions to improve the game.

About HH Reborn Development

Helmet Heroes Reborn is a remastered and improved version of the original Helmet Heroes. It is the newest and ideal version of the Helmet Heroes experience. It is still being heavily developed and is receiving weekly to bi-weekly updates. Currently, it does not have all of the content from the original Helmet Heroes included yet, but it is all slowly being added. Reborn looks to improve on all of the aspects of the original including graphics, gameplay, and the overall player experience.

I am having loading errors, help!

Browsers like to store previously saved game assets to its cache. This helps on cutting down future load times. However, sometimes this presents problems when updates are released as your browser can attempt to load older data, thus creating loading problems.

If you are infinite loading errors or pop up browser errors, be sure your browsers cache is up to date. You can do this by any of the following steps.

  • Hold the SHIFT key and press F5 on the keyboard. This should force the browser to reload the cache for the webpage.
  • If that doesn't work, try holding CONTROL, SHIFT, and DELETE at the same time to access your cache settings. There, try clearing the cache.
  • If both of those fail, try playing in an "incognito" or "private" window. This insures no cached data is used, and will load the game from a blank slate.

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